Michelle H Tucker
Honolulu Hawaii Estate Planning, Probate and Living Trusts Attorneys
Estate Planning, Probate and Living Trusts Information Center for Honolulu Hawaii
Sterling & Tucker LLP
820 Mililani St - 4th Floor
Honolulu HI 96813
Tel: 808 531-5391
Fax: 808 538-3949
E-mail: michelle@sterlingandtucker.com
Estate Planning Law Specialist - National Association of Estate Planners & Councils
Michelle Tucker specializes in the concerns of clients ages 55 and older who are either in retirement or planning for retirement. She is well-versed in all of the critical aspects of retirement—wealth management, taxes, estate and long-term care planning and providing legacies for loved ones. As the co-founder and partner of the firm of Sterling & Tucker for over 25 years, she has helped families make the best choices for their retirement, grow and preserve assets, save on taxes, and then be able to pass their wealth as efficiently as possible to the next generation.
Have you accumulated enough to retire and be financially independent, and how do you manage your finances so that you will not outlive your resources? If you are like most people, you will retire only once, and mistakes in this process can be extremely costly. How often do you do something perfectly, when it's the first time you have ever done it? By establishing a long-term relationship with Michelle, she can help manage your financial life not just when you retire, but for the rest of your life.
Most people want to minimize taxes. If you could be paying less income tax annually, Michelle will know it. In addition, she will help you avoid potentially huge estate taxes, income tax on IRAs, retirement distributions and inherited IRAs. She'll help you make the most of your assets so you can enjoy what you've built over a lifetime and have a successful retirement. As life progresses, she'll be a resource and guide for important decisions concerning your long-term care and the best ways to leave your wealth to those you love.
